
Your new puppy

When they first arrive home your puppy will probably feel a little apprehensive and will be missing the companionship of his/her mother and littermates. To make this transition stress – free, allow him/her to explore their new surroundings without too much interference or noise.

Children should be reminded that the new puppy needs lots of love and also rest therefore should not be over handled. Any other family pets should be introduced to the new arrival slowly and under close supervision. It may be advisable to introduce the puppy to another day – away from the house.

Poodles make adorable and adoring
pets, but they do require time and energy to become ideal companions. You should plan to spend at least an hour a day with your poodle, grooming it, walking it, playing with it, teaching it or simply sitting and stroking its fur.

If you have children, show them how to hold and pat the poodle gently so that it won’t be afraid. Young children should only play with the poodle under supervision.

Your poodle is going to be your companion for a long time, and it is important to know how to care for it properly. Poodles are generally healthy, long-lived dogs, but they do need basic care.


Your puppy should be fed on a complete and balanced diet especially formulated to suit his/her stage of life. Your puppy has been eating Royal Canin Poodle Biscuits and also supplemented with Di-Vetelact Hi Calcium Milky Drink.

Changes in diet should be made gradually as sudden changes can cause diarrhoea and other problems.

Puppies only have small stomachs and require small meals often. Two to three meals spread throughout the day is best.

So, especially on the first night home, don’t be tempted to dice up tiny pieces of chicken (or steak, roast lamb or any special treat) to hand feed the puppy! If you do, you may find this is all the puppy will eat.

Once or twice a week we make up meat, vegetable and rice stew,(or meat, vegetables and pasta) and when this is poured or spooned over the dry food, it usually ensures that the dry food will all be eaten.

Never give puppy milk as it can often cause diarrhoea.

Make sure that there is plenty of fresh clean water at all times.

Twice a week, raw bones should be fed to keep the puppy’s teeth clean. It is best to feed large canon bones. Never feed cooked bones.


With their dense, curly coats, poodles are truly beautiful. Let a poodle go un-groomed and it can turn into an untidy and shaggy mess.

Regular brushing will remove excess hair and knots. Most dogs enjoy the grooming process if it has been a pleasant experience from the beginning.

It is important to check their ears, eyes and teeth.

Hair needs to be plucked out of poodle’s ears from about eight weeks of age for the rest of the dog’s life. The ears need to be kept free of wool and clean. There are some excellent products available that inhibit the build –up of wax and dirt in the ears. Your vet will be able to advise you on these products.

Poodle ears can develop infections quite quickly. Once the dog has an ear infection, it is very hard to treat, as the dog hates the ears to be touched. It is much better to get the puppy used to the ears being plucked and cleaned on a regular basis from the beginning.

Removal/shaving the hair very close to the eye lids can reduce weeping and staining of the hair on the poodles face.


Poodles are “people dogs.” They love to be around people and involved in family life. Your poodle will look to you for a lot of love and attention, and it is important that you spend some time with your poodle every day.

Living Quarters

The first rule is: Start as you mean to go on! A puppy should have a bed of its own in a warm spot free of draughts.

It is best to start your puppy sleeping where you would like him to sleep in the long term. It is a good idea to section off a part of your house such as the laundry for your puppy. Provide him/her with a blanket and a basket or box to curl-up in. Your puppy is used to being cuddled up with his/her brothers and sisters so they may cry when put to bed for the first couple of nights or when left alone.

You may decide that you want your puppy to sleep in your bedroom with you. This is fine, but remember, if you change your mind later it may be hard to convince your pup that the laundry or outside kennel is just as cosy!

During the day or when left alone. Always make sure your puppy has water and somewhere to shelter from the weather both sun and rain.

House training

There are certain signs you should watch out for that will alert you that your puppy needs to go outside.

These include:

  • If your pup walks around in circles.
  • Sits or whines at the door.
  • Sniffs at the ground.

There are also times when you should ensure you take your puppy ortside to prevent accidents.

  • First thing in the morning.
  • After every sleep.
  • After being left alone for a period of time.
  • After every meal.
  • Last thing before you put your puppy to bed.

Of course accidents will happen! If you catch your puppy in the act you should immediately take him/her outside. NEVER spank your puppy, rub their nose in it, or reprimand him/her after an accident has occurred. A puppy is too young to be able to connect this with what he has done wrong.

Using praise is the best method of training. Puppies only want to please their owners. Give your puppy lots of praise whenever they do the right thing.

Foods To Avoid

Especially avoid the following foods, which are poisonous to poodles:

Chocolate; Artificial sweeteners; Processed Sugars; Grapes; Raisins; Onions;  Poodles also do not do well digesting turkey or pork.


Poodle care means protecting your dog from harm. Always use a leash when you take your dog outside a fenced area. Even if your poodle has never run away from you before, it only takes a second for a dog to get hit by a car, or lost, or stolen.

Keep your home as free as possible of poodle hazards. For instance, use a childproof gate to block off any stairways, make sure your poodle can’t get at any harsh chemicals (detergent, soaps, etc.), and look out for small items such as toys your poodle could choke on.

Watch your poodle carefully around small children who might play roughly or unintentionally hurt it.

Don’t leave your poodle in a parked car. Even with the windows down, the sun can warm the inside of the car to uncomfortable-or even lethal-temperatures, even on cool days. Your poodle, with its thick fur, is especially vulnerable to the heat.